

Red Rover

Campus Headlines

Cheers And Jeers

Meadow Jackson has some cheers and jeers about spring and more.

Permission to Laugh: Midterms

Declan Feeley gives insight to the average student’s mentality during midterms week.

Cheers and Jeers

Meadow Jackson has some cheers and jeers about Spring Break.

Cheers and Jeers

In this week’s Cheers and Jeers, #SochiProblems and Single Awareness Day are the targets of some clever humor.

Permission to Laugh: A Day in the Life

A day in the life of a typical Notre Dame student involves such weighty decisions as whether or not to go to class, eat a doughnut or take a shower…

Really? Is It This Good?

In a shocking turn of events, Notre Dame Freshmen realize that the University of Notre Dame is actually a pretty cool place.

Cheers and Jeers

This issue’s Cheers and Jeers, duck boots are in and the Broncos are out, but those commercials sure made the Super Bowl fun to watch.

Permission To Laugh: Paying For Prison?

Declan Feeley has some shocking news about Notre Dame’s dorms.

Cheers and Jeers

Meadow Jackson has some cheers and jeers for the new semester.