

Football team looking for “new, exciting crimes to get our wins revoked”

“We’ve tried academic violations before,” said Kelly. “We cheated on a few tests–who cares? It’s boring stuff, and I firmly believe that my boys can do better. I mean, after all, we’re undefeated in football. Why can’t we be undefeated in crime?”

Notre Dame head groundskeeper to resign over allegations of fall foliage color enhancements

In a shocking statement released late Friday afternoon, Nathan Bailey, Head Groundskeeper at the University of Notre Dame, admitted to overseeing the covert transplanting and/or spray-painting of thousands of trees on campus.

NASA’s Insight Mars Explorer lands safely in Hollywood basement

Thanks to Hollywood film nerds, ever-willing to fake scientific progress with a camcorder and a little imagination, NASA has once again exploited the dreams of every young astronaut while simultaneously contributing to the nation’s debt.

Brenston’s Winter Tips

Here are some winter-y tips to get you through this season of snow and cold and presents and cold and dark and cold.

Finance major sure to get everything he wants for Christmas except authentic happiness

After spending hours reviewing good and bad deeds from the past year, toymaker and reindeer hobbyist Santa Claus determined that Notre Dame finance major Bryce Ratner was just good enough to get nearly everything on his Christmas list.

Waddick’s tribute band “Rousseau’Shaughnessy” to play show at Legends this week, declines concert royalties

The popular campus indie-folk band “Rousseau’Shaughnessy”, comprised of 11 sophomore English majors living in Dillon Hall, is set to play their first public show at Legends this coming weekend.

French New Wave director begins filming ND feature

François François’s latest project to focus on romance at Notre Dame

Dear Brenston

The Rover kicks off a new regular advice column with an unusual author

Five Things You Say While Writing a Thesis

The rocky road of writing a senior thesis